Friday, October 19, 2007

Video of Kevin and I in Kuwait

This video was made when Kevin and I were in Kuwait for 4 months with nothing to do.... we were bored and had to find fun things to do with our extra time. Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

New Car

I purchased a 2000 oldsmobile intrigue today and I feel I did good with the price and all. This car was first listed on craigslist at 3000 dollars. The seller then went down to 2200 and the day I called to go see the car he discovered the ac was not working and would have to be replaced so he told me he would sell it for 1500 dollars.

Today I went with a mechanic who checked everything out and we discovered that the ac does work it just takes long to charge due to a loose "humming valve" (I think thats what he called it). Anyhow this thing causes the belt to have less strength to charge the ac which already needed charging so it made it look like the ac didnt work when really it does.

So long story short I bought a car valued by kelly blue book at 3000 dollars for only 1500 dollars because the ac didnt work which really it does..... I will probably put in another 300 bucks in mechanic work but over all I got a great deal. This car looks very clean and well maintained and I am a million times happier with it than I was with the 800 dollar car I bought last week!

It is hard to find acceptable cars when your budget is around 2000 bucks!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Car Sold!

So for those who do not know.... I sold the 800 dollar car today. Turns out it did not pass emissions and the passenger side seat is not even bolted down to the car so in the interest of family safety I decided to just get a better car. Before doing this however I did return to the lady that sold the car to me and I had her give me back $200 dollars due to the lack of information she provided me when I bought it and luckily she did not hesitate.... So today I sold my now 600 dollar car to another girl for 800 dollars.

I told this new buyer everything about the car and she had a mechanic look at it before making her decision so I feel good that I was honest and forthcoming about the car and she still wanted it. Now I have 800 bucks to start looking for another car which I will probably finance so that its a nicer car and family friendly.

I place a picture once I decide what I'm getting!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

800 dollar car, Hooray......?

Yesterday I sold my Mitsubishi Montero Sport and I found myself having to get a car quickly. I searched and searched and wanted to buy something cheaper than $2000 so that I can get carpet for the house, and I must say.... cars under 2000 are mostly crap!
I have always had cars that I liked and felt matched my personality but now I am having to just settle with any car and its a bit hard! I found a car today and went a head and bought it because I felt it was a great deal. It was a lady from my ward (church) that needed some money and was selling her niece's car and gave me a great deal on it.
So I got a 1994 Saturn LS1 with 135000 miles on it for just 800 bucks. Its stick shift and seems to run just fine with ac and all. The inside has a few cosmetic needs but I guess you get what you pay for!
I keep telling myself that all I need in a car is reliable transportation to and from work. So I guess it meets those needs....
One day when I am more established and have more money to put on a vehicle I am going to spoil myself for being willing to drive this car thats not to bad but really does NOT feel like me at all.

So here's the picture what do you guys think? Can you picture me driving this car....? I guess its a lesson on humility and not judging others for the cars they drive!

Friday, October 5, 2007

Transitional duty is over!

Well I completed a whole week of sitting at a desk and doing data entry! I thought I was going to die of boredom and monotony. Now that I work as a police officer I have become spoiled to work being fun and exciting. I go out and see all kinds of crazy things and go here and do this or that and go there and see crazy people and drunkards and criminals and accidents and then all of a sudden I am at a desk doing data entry all day for a week and it was like going into withdrawals from a drug..... I am so excited to start normal routine work again this coming week. Time goes by real fast when you are responding to calls for service all day.

This weekend I am going to try to get my car sold and get myself a smaller cheaper car. The goal is to make some money from the difference in cars and use that money to put carpet in our bedroom. We'll see how that goes.

The picture I posted is of a car crash I went to last week where the driver lost control of the vehicle and slammed into the poll injuring himself . He broke both legs and had pieces of one leg stuck on the metal of the car. The fire department arrived and had to use the jaws of life to get him out.... after a little investigation I discovered a marijuana pipe in the side pocket of the door thats leaning on the pole.... another officer went to the hospital and after reading him his rights we obtained some blood to charge him with DUI. Luckily he crashed into a pole and not another car. Who say's marijuana does not impair!

Monday, October 1, 2007


Today at 7:00 pm I will have my family back! I am so excited to have them, its amazing how incomplete I feel without Anissa around and it makes me feel like there is a bit less importance to what I do through out the day. I love having a purpose and duty to come home and be a husband and father and balance work with rest and spend time doing my part. The last few days I have not felt that and I feel like its hard to feel as happy or satisfied without that extra duty.
Today I took Olivia to the mall so she could ride the pink horse she has learned to love (thanks to Abuelita and Papi). I posted a few pictures of it on the family blog, she is so cute and I love knowing she is my daughter and I get to raise her and teach her and provide for her.

Here is another picture of her actually riding the horse.

This coming week (Tuesday to Friday) I will be working with the secretaries at the central substation to give me some transitional duty from patrolling while I heal from the nose surgery. We'll see how that goes but I'm looking forward to getting back to work after that. Work is fun and time goes by fast. I plan on starting at least one shift of overtime each week to help raise some money for debt re-payment, toys and vacation expenses. I'll keep you informed as to the actual realization of that goal.