Friday, July 20, 2007

Answer to the Poll

Time to find out the answer to my poll question. The question was "True or False: When I lived in Bolivia... did I ever eat a snake?"

Well are you ready.... (drum roll)......the answer is .... (drum roll again)........ Big Fat NOOOOOOOOOO! Although it seems likely that I would be given the opportunity to eat such a beast in that far removed place in the world, I would never ever...ever.... take it. I hate snakes and hesitate to even touch such a foul thing. I cant even imagine what it would be like to place a piece of snake in my mouth.

Well now you know a little bit more about me. I hate snakes and have not ever eaten one. Stay tuned for the next poll question.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Answer the Question each week...

Each week you can answer the poll question at the bottom of the blog to see how well you know me. If you get it right you will gain my trust and improve our friendship, If you get it wrong you will learn more about me and lose the opportunity to ever be my friend again... good luck!

Monday, July 9, 2007

Common Sense

So a call comes out....

"1a53 (thats me), we have a camper on fire at Main and Stapley. Unknown if the
trailer has occupants."
I turn on my lights and sirens and speed my way over to the incident... As I arrive dispatch tells me there are no occupants in the trailer...

My training officer turns and says...
"ok Nik, what steps do you need to take on this type of call...?"

I answer back....
"well first thing to do is take a picture!"

That of course is the correct answer! After taking the picture I blocked traffic and created a safe area for fire trucks to arrive and extinguish the fire. Remember... its 3:00 in the morning so I have some slack to play with... plus its not like I was going to slow down the fire or save the trailer without the fire department. My trainer likes the mentality.