Tuesday, January 8, 2008

January Update

Time to update some of my new plans and recent changes. First of all I was finally able to bid for my first shift using my seniority with the police. As of yesterday I now work from 3 in the afternoon to 1 in the morning with Wednesday, Thursday and Friday off and half of Saturday. So its not bad and it allows me to still go to church on Sunday's. I work in the same district (Central) and i was able to keep the same beat (35) so I only have to adjust to the new time.

I recently adjusted my degree program to the Masters in Intelligence Studies program... hopefully I will get started in February... Noah and I have been able to discuss some future career aspirations and I am excited to see if we can truly make the plans come to pass. With new years we are all fresh and excited with new years resolutions and part of that is going to school for me and getting all the training I can with the police. We (Anissa and I) are also contemplating joining a gym so we can get in better shape. This Christmas Dak and Tara gave all of us iPod nano's and Noah gave me an iPod Nike to measure my running. I am excited to use it for my physical goals this year. I plan to get in shape and stay in shape to try to get picked up with the SWAT team here. I think that would be a pretty cool experience.

Kids are all good and fun. Landon is starting to teeth so he gets a bit grumpy at times and Olivia is just simply Olivia.... Robyn got an electric scooter and is growing up so fast. Well there is my quick overview life for now... more to come later.