Saturday, May 31, 2008

End of May

I have to fit in one entry before May ends. This month I got to do several fun things that I will always remember. First I discovered an indoor skydiving place a few months ago and got Anissa and Mom a gift to go and try it out for mothers day (mom) and birthday (Anissa). They both loved it and you can see the video on the family blog. A few weeks later for my birthday they returned the gift to Noah and I so we got to go do it too. It was so fun I cant wait to do it again! I placed a small video clip of my experience on the family blog as well.

The next big thing I got to do this month was go to my 10 year high school reunion in Guadalajara! I loved it. It was amazing to go back with Noah and spend time with out friends and eat at the places we loved when we were living there. I will try to hunt down pictures and place them here later.

In my professional life I got accepted as the Central district Spanish rover. That means instead of having a beat and patrolling, I will be only responding to Spanish calls and assisting officers that are already on Spanish calls. I get a pay increase and will enjoy great benefits such as taking vacation days without being subject to normal minimum staffing requirements and such.

Toward the end of the month I decided to clean up the garage and make a shade for some of the pool equipment outside. I also cleaned up the back yard and got it prepared for the summer. As I cleaned I discovered a wet suit that I bought a long time ago. Since our pool has been a bit to cold for my liking I decided to put it on and jump in that very night. I was so fun and I have gone swimming with the girls every day since the discoverey (Ok only two days since I discovered it but it sounds better this way).

Today is Saturday May 31st and we are all going to a Police Family appreciation day. This will be at the training center and we are going in a few hours. The kids are excited and the Wettsteins are coming too. There will be some awesome things for Kalvin to brag about there! (SWAT training, Helicopter, etc...)

Noah and my parents are in London and I have spoken to them a few times. They are loving it and I cant wait for them to get back so we can see pictures and hear all about it. I am currently in week 4 of my roots of terrorism class and so far its going well. Its been a challenge dedicating the amount of time I need to but I guess I just have to do what it takes! Well this is my entry. I will try to do better next month.