Friday, July 20, 2007

Answer to the Poll

Time to find out the answer to my poll question. The question was "True or False: When I lived in Bolivia... did I ever eat a snake?"

Well are you ready.... (drum roll)......the answer is .... (drum roll again)........ Big Fat NOOOOOOOOOO! Although it seems likely that I would be given the opportunity to eat such a beast in that far removed place in the world, I would never ever...ever.... take it. I hate snakes and hesitate to even touch such a foul thing. I cant even imagine what it would be like to place a piece of snake in my mouth.

Well now you know a little bit more about me. I hate snakes and have not ever eaten one. Stay tuned for the next poll question.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What blows my mind is how you can fight crime and scary bad guys and be around lots of scary stuff, yet you wouldn't eaten consider being near (or eating) a small piece of dead, cut up, cooked snake. You, Noah and Pete are so crazy!