Friday, June 22, 2007

Tales From the Crypt.....

On June 20th I was dispatched to a call at a trailer park regarding a possible residential burglary, the call was delayed so I arrived just before midnight.

I knocked and waited at the door of an old trailer home without any street lights in the area. It was dark and kind of creepy imagining all the movies I have seen where bad things happen in those settings. Eventually the door creeped open and with all the lights still off I saw a hand emerge slowly but surely from the darkness... the hand was trembling as it came out into the dim moonlight outside. I turned on my flashlight and stepped into the doorway anticipating an old person (observation of the hand) and what I saw was what you see in the picture. A 100 year plus looking old man who looked just like he awoke from the dead. His eyes appeared to have several weeks worth buildup of sleeping dust and he hunched over and made slow deliberate moves like the zombies we all know from movies. He smelled of urine and BO and stood there at the door in the darkness of his home in only his underwear.

After all was said and done and I had completed my investigation of his claims (supposedly he was robbed at gunpoint by two girls ages 15 and 5) I determined he was a crazy old man that had no truth to his story. In order to determine this I ended up waking up (remember its past midnight at this point) two other neighbors.

The third trailer home I went into, to get the last piece of the puzzle I was investigating, took me to a trailer that had a 5 yr old boy and 10 yr old girl come to the door wide awake. I asked them if they were always awake so late on a week night... they said yes and told me their aunt was home and awake as well. I asked to speak to her and they told me I would have to come in because she couldn't walk. So I entered the trailer home and made my way to the back where there was a single room with a bed in the middle and on the bed was a very large woman who could not get up due to her extremely big size and the smallness of the trailer home. She helped me positively determine the craziness of the old man and she helped contribute to fun of that call.


Noah Rasheta said...

I'm excited to keep up with all your stories through this blog! This is a great idea!

Tequila said...

cool thats really weird but koo