Saturday, March 22, 2008


March is almost over and time is flying!!! Today is Saturday and Noah has been living with us for 2 weeks now. Its so fun to have him here and to be able to go places with him or just hang out at home. Yesterday we both rode our bikes for 10 miles and then ran for 3 miles in 1 hour and 4 minutes. We are still training for the Rocky Point triathlon in Mexico in May and so far I think we are doing pretty good. Papi, Dak and Anissa are training as well and we all keep tabs of our progress in the training.

I am in week 3 of my Research Methods class and it as been stressful at times. Yesterday I had to go to the library for 2 hours and get away from all distractions to get my work done for the week. At this time I am also listening to "Pillars of the Earth" by Ken Follett on audio book when I run and exercise. I am so glad to live in this day and in this land! The book is about life in England during the 1500's... and wow it was harsh for most.

Olivia is getting over a fever yesterday and now has a cough. Landon is being loud and cute and now uses the high chair for eating. Noah placed a cute picture of Landon on his Blog so check it out.... the post title is "My New Camera!" posted March 20.

Monday, March 3, 2008

School is in Session!

Today is my first day of school and I'm pretty excited to be starting again. I am currently enrolled in the American Military University for a graduate degree in Strategic Intelligence Studies. I hope to be able to complete my masters within the next two years. I dont quite know where this will take me but I know it will be useful for what I currently do and what I think I want to do.... (Foreign Affairs with the State Department)

I didnt go to work today as I feel sick and had a fever and flu like symptoms so I had the chance to read a lot of information about my program and how things work within the program. I am excited and a bit scared to be back into the academic world and have to write papers and research and cite and document things etc... I think this will be good for me though as I tend to become idol when I have extra time.

Today Olivia had her first play date with a neighbor friend named Eli West. Eli is 4 yrs old and Olivia is almost 3. It was so cute to see her all proud following him around and copying what he did etc... She loves to copy Robyn too and it makes her feel so big and important. I am very happy with my kids and feel blessed for each one of them in my life. All three of them are so cute in their own ways and I love being home and spending time with them. Recently I have enjoyed taking Robyn and Olivia to the park and climbing trees with them. Olivia and I ride Robyn's green scooter and sometimes I ride the scooter and pull Robyn and Olivia on a radioflyer wagon. I love it! Nothing compares to just playing and spending time with them. I cant wait for Landon to grow up a bit more and stop slobbering everywhere and be able to join us.

Anissa is sleeping next to me on the couch as I sit here on my beloved Mac typing away and doing school work. Anissa truly is the glue that holds this house together and I love her so much for that. She looks so cute and beautiful to me and the last few days I have noticed more than ever that she really is just perfect in every way for me. As she sleeps next to me while I type I cant help but think that I am the luckiest man in the world to even dream of living my life with her forever. Here is a picture of what I am looking at right now... she fell asleep reading scriptures....