Friday, January 9, 2009

A New Year

So 2009 is finally upon me and I have made a new year resolution to make a new journal entry once a week. On Wednesday Dec 31 we decided to drive up to Utah (My Family and Sage) to spend New Years with our family. On the way up our tire went flat on the mini van just before getting to Page and I got to bust out the spare tire (this woke Landon up from his nap and made him cry a bit more than he would have). Once we were on the road again Olivia decided she couldn't wait any longer to go poop so we pulled off the side of the road and Anissa held her over the side while she did her business into the snow.

We arrived and went skiing the next day at Sundance (Anissa, Robyn, Sage and I) and had a great time. While we were there Anissa got a call that her Nanny was very ill and in her last few hours of life. Anissa bought a ticket to fly to Indiana and flew out the next day Friday in the evening with Patrick. Nanny died while they were on their way and the funeral was held on Monday Jan 5, 2009. I stayed with the kids and we moved our stuff over to my parents house. On Friday we went sledding on a hill by the house. The day before I made a snowman with Olivia, Robyn, and Sage and their cousins Tucker and Hannah. Olivia and Landon loved playing in the snow and Olivia loved making a real snowman since I have made so many with her when we use our imagination back at home.

On Sunday we played cards at my parents house and Robyn and Sage got so silly and funny playing cards that my mom and dad and I couldnt stop laughing with and at them. I let them stay up late (about midnight) and I think that may have had an effect on their silly mood. On Monday I went skiing again with my dad and Robyn and Sage. It had been snowing non stop for 2 days and the snow was increadable! At one point Robyn my dad and I went to the top of the mountain and found ourselves in a near blizzard. Luckily I remembered the way down since we couldnt see and we faced away from the wind and slid down the mountain sideways. I had Robyn by the side so she could withstand the wind and stay sideways on the mountain next to me. Once we got below the ridge line and the wind subsided it was just amazing! The whole way down the mountain we could not see our skiis because of the powder snow that was so soft it was like skiing on a cloud. We had the best time skiing the rest of the day because of the amount of powder soft snow everywhere.

That same day my mom rolled down the window of our mini van and it got stuck in the down position. I had to drive it to a mechanic and get it fixed (the whole drive it was snowing still and I held a pillow to keep snow from hitting me in the face while driving). The last day we were there (Tuesday 01/06/09) mom injured her left knee playing tennis (later found it was dislocated and went back into place stretching the tendons). I picked up Anissa from the airport that night and early the next day (Wednesday 01/07/09) we headed out. Early being 11:00 in the morning after shoveling the mini van out of snow for about an hour because it was completely stuck.

Overall we had a great time and I enjoyed all the free time I got with the kids. Robyn and Sage were great both together as well as with the smaller kids. I had a blast sledding with them playing cards and watching movies and skiing. Olivia and Landon were spolied to death just as expected and we had a rewarding time with my mom and dad. Now we are back and I am ready to start work again tomorrow. On my way home I got a call telling me Noah had appendicitis and was going into surgery. I got to the hospital soon after he came out of surgery and spend some time with him both that night and the next day. He has recovered amazingly well and will be coming over tonight with Giselle for dinner and a movie with us.

I will be emailing my new years resolutions to see how I do through out the year.

1 comment:

Tere said...

We where the lucky ones getting some extra time with all the fun kids and you, playing in the snow an playing games. We love you guys. Mom and Dad