Monday, July 20, 2009

July 2009

Wow, Ive let too much time pass between posts again. I will cover some of the significant events that have happened but will probably miss a few in my attempt to not make each post so long. In Feb we went on a family vacation to California's Disney land with the kids. They loved it and it was Olivia's first exposure to the real princesses that live there. We met up with Clyda and Kylee there and got to see them for a little bit but mostly it was just the family having our vacation. While there we hooked up for one day with Tara and also with an old mission buddy of mine (Ben Katz).

In May Anissa and I went on an amazing vacation to London, Paris and Istanbul. We took over 900 pictures and absolutely loved it! We posted info about it on the family blog so I wont say much more than it was amazing. Also in May I turned 30 years old! Its crazy to imagine that I am finally 30 years old. I always thought 30 was getting a bit old but now that I'm there if feels so young still. I often think about all the things Jesus accomplished and everything we read about pretty much from his life comes from when he turned 30 to when he died at 33 years old. Thats makes me wonder what will be said of me when I die and what will I have accomplished that really matters? Now that I am thirty I want to prioritize my life a little better so that when I die, I have no regrets as to what I spent my time on....

In June we went on another family vacation to Texas: Matador, and Dallas. The first part of our trip was to attend the burial services of Anissa's great grandmother Elsie Thacker (Nanny). After spending 2 fun days with all the Hendrix clan we went to Dallas and got to spend a few more days with most of the hendrix clan as well as my family. I got to spend time with Uncle Joe and visit his resting home room. I pretty much got time to visit all my cousins and I really enjoyed seeing them all again. Truly there is nothing more important that the minutes and hours and days we can spend with family, strengthening each other and serving each other.

Now its July and at work we already had our yearly bid and I am going to stay working at Central as a Spanish rover one more year. Still enjoying it and looking forward to the unique opportunities I get to do more in depth investigations on. In the next couple of days I will be going on a squad campout with my current squad before we all disband from the bid. I am looking forward to some fun old camping and relaxation from the valley heat. We are going to the white mountains near big lake from Wednesday to Saturday.

Noah is currently waiting to hear on possible employment with Mesa PD also! He is just waiting to see how many they will hire once the federal stimulus money comes through... should know in September. Yesterday was Sunday and I left church early to go to work but instead of going to work I called in sick (I am sick with cold and cough symptoms) and used the 2 hours that she was still at church thinking I was at work, to clean the whole house. I organized things swept, mopped, and made the house feel clean as can be. She got home and was so surprised. It was worth watching her face. I guess these are the types of activities that will be remembered when I die. Must keep focusing on my priorities and what really matters when all is said and done.

1 comment:

Rasheta Family said...

I hope you keep this up. I love reading it. Thank you for that awesome surprise. It will be remembered. You are an amazing man, I am blessed to live life with you! Love, Anissa