Sunday, July 26, 2009

Mark Fundraiser

Just got back from my squad camping trip yesterday and I had so much fun. Its great to spend time with my squad mates outside of work and get to know them on a more personal level. I have come to realize that almost without exception, people are amazing and you can grow to love them as you get to know them, regardless of first impressions. Not that any of them left bad first impressions its just a realization I solidified while camping among so many different types of characters. The first day I arrived it was just Kevin Gillis, Sergio Nieto and myself, we went on a fun quad ride at 9:00 pm through the mountain trails till about 11:00 pm. We saw a satellite in the air and enjoyed just being in the mountains on a quiet dark night. The next day we rode quads again for about 40 miles by the black river and the whole area. In the evening everyone else arrived: Troy Clevenger and his girlfriend Diana Vaughn and their two dogs, Doug Hurley and his brother Dustin Hurley and Jake Kempe and Todd Zoglman arrived together in two cars with two more dogs. Chris Colburn and his wife also arrived and Clint Atwood showed up with his camper trailer. I ended up sleeping in the camper trailer and showered every night.

We went fishing on Big Lake in a rented boat and shot guns and made a huge fire at night. The food was great, the company was great, and the surroundings were amazing. it rained on our last night but not enough to keep us from standing outside next to the huge fire and share a good conversation with all.

I left Saturday early without breakfast becuase I wanted to get home in time to go to Mark Kelly's fundraiser BBQ. I arrived at 11:30 and the whole family went to the fundraiser, Noah and Giselle and Rajko, my Mom and Dad and all of us where there and we were able to show support to the Kelly family. Mark Kelly is a great friend of mine whom I attribute to my becoming a police officer. We worked together at the University of Phoenix and now work together at the police department. Mark has been diagnosed with ALS or Lou Gehrigs disease and he is starting to deteriorate quickly. It started with his left hand and arm and now it it affecting his left foot and ankle. He has 4 cute little boys and an amazing wife who is being so supportive through out his trial. I have been able to go out to lunch with Mark and spend some time talking to him and I feel so blessed to have the privilege to be his friend and to know him. He is an amazing man who is dealing with this awful situation as nobly as one can. He always has a big smile and a hug for all. He has prompted me to re-assess my commitments in life and to prioritize things better. He tells me of the things he wishes to do and knows he will not be able to do and my heart just goes out for him.

Seems like we always look at death as this far away even that will not touch us until we have accomplished so many things or until we are ready for it somehow. I live my life just putting the thought of death at the very back of my mind because if I never give it the time of day as a thought, maybe it will never happen? Mark's situation has me thinking about death often now. I know that one day the inevitable encounter will occur and I wonder what will be said of me and what will be remembered? Some people have the privilege of living lives that influence our whole world such as George Washington, and others just get forgotten as if they never lived.... Who is more important in the eternal perspective however, Washington or the man that served in his army and gave his life so that the cause would not die? Today we are surrounded by countless people who live day in and day out serving their children, teaching them, instructing them and leading themselves and their families in honorable ways. Are they not greater than the entertainers we hear about so often? The new dress or the new scandal or the new breakup seems to get so much attention but in the eternal realm are not the silent servants the true heroes among us? They don't walk around with crowns and scepters, they walk around with diaper bags, books, and dreams. They wear shields on uniforms, scrubs, ties, and they are known to a few as daddy, mommy, brother, friend. These are the heroes my mind rests upon right now.

Do I want to accomplish great things in my professional life, yes I would love to however I will never feel I have failed if I am "only" a daddy or "only" a husband, brother or friend when all is said and done. Today I re-commit to the important and eternal lasting responsibilities and endeavors of my life. Today I tell my family that I love them and that I serve them, today I help a friend, I smile at a stranger and I contribute to the improvement of the society I live in. Today I join the millions of un-seen heroes who never aspire to the attention they deserve.

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