Monday, October 15, 2007

Car Sold!

So for those who do not know.... I sold the 800 dollar car today. Turns out it did not pass emissions and the passenger side seat is not even bolted down to the car so in the interest of family safety I decided to just get a better car. Before doing this however I did return to the lady that sold the car to me and I had her give me back $200 dollars due to the lack of information she provided me when I bought it and luckily she did not hesitate.... So today I sold my now 600 dollar car to another girl for 800 dollars.

I told this new buyer everything about the car and she had a mechanic look at it before making her decision so I feel good that I was honest and forthcoming about the car and she still wanted it. Now I have 800 bucks to start looking for another car which I will probably finance so that its a nicer car and family friendly.

I place a picture once I decide what I'm getting!

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